How to start Blogging in Pakistan-FULL GUIDE

Introduction of Blogging:

In the early years blogging has most popular in overall world. All Most 75% people adopted blogging as their full time passion.
Blogging is define that the path way in which you turn you passion/profession into a profitable Business. From when you start you blog you can also spread you experiences , knowledge and ideas to yours audience and also earn money through Affiliate Marketing and Advertising , and Google AdSense.


In Blogging you will share you appropriate experience, acknowledge with your audience. You adopt a specific niche and write your own blog for you niches and publish. In Pakistan blogging play virtual role for young generation because from blogging a Student earn money for their expanse etc.

A Guide step step by:

Firstly You Know ” What is Blog”:
Before your blogging journey , it’s Important to know about the all concepts of fundamental for Blog. A Blog is one of the online platform where you can Publish your content in the form of stories, reviews and articles etc. There are many platforms but In my opinion WordPress is the best platform, where you can started you blog. If you fully ready to start you journey for blog, so kindly follow all the step to become a powerful blogger.

Choose your Like Niche:
So Firstly you choose a specific topic and niche. Choose a topic in which you educated. This will define focusing on your topic and also help to connect with a targeted traffic.

Choose Your Platform:
There are many different Platform in the Market, But such as WordPress , Tumblr, Blogger and . Research and pick a best Platorm that suited you most. In my suggestion WordPress is specifically is built for blogging because it’s adaptability and customization etc. It will help you to design you blog, and website.

Picking A Domain and Hosting:
Choose a domain name that admire you and reflects your Blog topic and also picking a Web hosting. There many company which offer hosting like Hostinger , Name cheap, GoDaddy.  Remember that Your domain name should be easy to write, catchy to pronounce and remember able.

Customize and Design yo Blog:
Once you have chosen your Platform and Domain name its is time to setup your website. Customize the design and interrail layout that enhance your brand. Modify the layout , color, and create logo for unique look.
I mostly recommend theme are Astra.

Make quality Content:
Created a quality content that is more informative , engaging , and relevant field to your target traffic. Use keyword that will help you to rank on google. Use videos, images and format of text : which make ideal to your traffic.

Promote Your Blogpost:
Promote your blog through social media Like that ( Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc ) Email Marketing this will help your to reach to your blog. Build Backlinks this will helps to reach your traffic to your website. Email marketing is the best way to promote you blog.
Share blog:
share blog regularly on your social media platforms with using hashtags to increase discoverability.
Analyze Traffic:
Use analytic tools on social media to track you performance. Analyze what strategy work and what’s doesn’t.

Monetization strategies:
Transfer your blog in passage of income.
Here are some of the strategies for blogging;
Google AdSense display google ads on website, Affiliate Marketing Generate sales through affiliate links , Sponsored Content partner with brands for sponsored blog post, Freelancing Create your profile on freelancing platform, E-commerce Integration if your content covers some of product so generate sells through E-commerce store.

Conclusion :

The future of Blogging in Pakistan:
In Pakistan Blogging is growing day by day. If you have a internet availability , digital Literacy , and huge range of topics Pakistani Blogger have to win the world.
If you see as a blogger in Pakistan , remember that success is built on the the strong foundation the basic of understand.
Pakistani bloggers have the chance to shape version , share your thought and connect a gobble traffic. So, always keep writing , growing and continue to win you Ranke in the world of Pakistani blogging.